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The Gentlemen's Guide to Movember

It’s November so you know what that means… time for Movember! Since 2003, two fellas from Australia got together in a bar and gathered a few other bros to start what is known today as ‘Movember’ or also commonly known as ‘No Shave November’.

They grew out their mustaches and it sparked so many conversations that the Mo Bros decided to use the power of the mustache for good and created the Movember Foundation to fundraise for the Prostate Cancer Foundation and raise awareness for men's health.

Now that we have a better understand of what Movember is all about, time to talk about how the gentlemen of the world can participate in Movember, support a great cause and do it all in good fashion.

Let me first begin by saying I’m facially follically challenged. I have a great head of hair, but I can’t grow a beard to save my life! So I like to keep my face clean shaven or, at most, have that “rugged looked”.

But this year, I’ve decided to take on Movember and grow a mustache (or at least a sad attempt but my best) in support of my father-in-law who was diagnosed with prostate cancer. So please help support a great cause and raise awareness for men’s health by visiting my Movember Foundation fundraising page:

Having never grown a full mustache or beard, I did my research and put together some tips to get through Movember in the most gentlemanly way possible.

The Test Run: Let your full beard grow out for the first week, especially if you usually don’t sport facial hair. This is a good transition into growing your epic stache.

Stache Style: This is the perfect time of year to try a new look and support a great cause. Which means, please grow a mustache but refrain from any funny business. If you wouldn’t wear your newly found lip sweater other than in November, then don’t grow a cartoon-villain stache for Movember.

Take a look at the 10 Best Mustaches In History (That Still Look Good Today) compiled by GQ to get ideas for your mustache.

Maintenance: It takes time and effort to grow an epic stache. Make sure you keep it clean everyday by trimming it and shaving areas outside of your mustache. Your mustache will stand out more and you’ll look as if you were meant to have a mustache all along.

Give Your Mustache Some Help: If you’re follically challenged, like myself, or just want to add some interest to your mustache, don’t be afraid to try facial grooming products. Here are some products you can ask your barber about to give your mustache an extra boost:

American Crew Precision Blend

Nature's Made Biotin

The Art of Shaving Beard & Moustache Wax

You now should be well on your way to getting that epic Ron Burgundy stache. Good luck to all my fellow gents and remember: Let’s keep it clean and sharp and, more importantly, let’s all support a great cause!

Don’t forget to follow me on social media for gentlemen’s lifestyle & grooming tips you can use from the streets to the boardroom. Find me on Instagram: @TheSocialCut Twitter: @TheSocialCut Facebook: @TheSocialCut Youtube: TheSocialCut

For specific topics you’d wish for me to touch on, please shoot me an email at:

Until Next Time, Fellas!

Steve A. Nunez

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