5 Lessons Every Man Should Know About Wearing Sandals
Alright fellas… Here’s the truth about guys wearing sandals. Are you ready? OK… No one wants to see our big, hairy, sweaty feet! Remember the last time a girl said to you, “Hey, you have sexy feet” or how about that one time you’re fellow bro told you “dude, those sandals are sweeeeet!”? Of course you don’t! You know why? Because men’s feet aren’t the best thing to look at.
Unlike women’s feet, which tend to be petite, soft and well-groomed, men have big, hairy feet and that’s OK because we’re men. Even the best groomed man can’t do anything about french fry looking toes. If you can’t stand looking at another dude’s feet for a second, imagine what your girl thinks when you decide to wear flip flops all day.
So I know what you’re saying, “It’s hot. What do I wear to the beach? How can I wear sandals if I don’t want to be so casual?”. What I’m saying is: there is a way for us men to enjoy the feeling of wearing sandals and at the same time look good and stylish.
Here are 5 lessons to get you looking good in sandals:
Lesson #1: Find a pair that covers the majority of your feet
Men’s sandals with thick straps help make those anchors attached to your ankles look smaller because they cover the majority of your feet. They also help cover any “feet issues” we may be self conscious about. So you get to enjoy the feeling of wearing sandals all while keeping those paws in check.
Lesson #2: Avoid wearing flip flops
I enjoy the comfort of flip flops just like the next man but save that for home. Wearing flip flops only make your feet look bigger.
Lesson #3: Get a Pedicure
Keep them clean gentlemen. You’re feet will be on display and people will stare. Make sure to keep your feet well groomed just like any other part of your body. You’re feet have been in hibernation all winter so you don’t want them looking like hobbit feet seeing daylight for the first time. A pedicure will get your feet ready for spring and summer.
Lesson #4: Trim Your Feet Hair
There’s just something gross about hairy feet. It’s just as bad as seeing a guy with visible nose hairs sticking out. Part of grooming your feet includes trimming or even shaving them.
Lesson #5 Moisturize
Our feet usually don’t see a lot of daylight so make sure to avoid dry, cracked skin by applying moisturizer when they do come out to play. It’s best to apply lotion right after you shower, but if you have extra dry feet, try slathering on some cream (which is heavier than lotion) before bed and sleep with your socks on. The next morning, your feet will be soft and smooth.
Here’s how I sported strappy sandals:

Shop the look:
Panama Hat: Forever 21 Men
Floral Print Shirt: Forever 21 Men
Linen Pants: H&M
Sandals: Forever 21 Men
Now go grab a pair of these sandals to complete your look!

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For topics you’d wish for me to blog about, more tips or questions, please shoot me an email at: steve@thesocialcut.com
Until Next Time, Gents!
Steve A. Nuñez