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Gentlemen's Guide to Summer Manscaping

Ah yes, men’s body grooming, better known as ‘manscaping’. We all do it, but no one likes to talk about, especially with our fellow gents. We like to share where we scored a killer deal on a fresh new pair of wing tip shoes or blazer but we won’t share how we get rid of hair down there, and I mean way ‘down there’. Know what I mean?

If you’re a sexy hairy beast or barely grow a hair on your chest, every man needs to do some grooming maintenance work on their body, especially in the summer when we’re hitting the beach just about fully exposed. So here’s a guide to get your body well groomed from head to toe and everywhere in between to get ready for summer in a tasteful way.

So let’s get down to business:


Keep it short, fellas. Summer is the perfect time to try a new fresh haircut. If you usually get a #1 or #2 on the sides, try going shorter with a #0 or a skin-tight fade. It’s going to get really hot there guys, so a shorter cut will keep you cool and looking fresh!


When it comes to hair on your body, you have to work with what you got. The key is to go for a natural look. If you’re extra hairy, you don’t want to completely remove all your hair. It just won't look good. Buy a pair of haircutting clippers and trim your chest. Make sure to apply lotion after you trim to soothe any redness.

If you are pretty much hairless on your chest, but have a few random stray hairs, you’ll want to remove them. Depending on how many hairs you have, you can either pluck the hairs or gently shave them the night before your beach or pool outing.


So you have two options here guys.

1. If you have a really good roommate or if you don’t mind asking your wife, have them trim your back hair with haircutting clippers.

2. Schedule an appointment and get that rug on your back waxed. Back hair is never sexy. If keeping up with your waxing appointments becomes to much of a hassle, you can also opt for laser hair removal. Don’t be afraid, back hair removal is the most common area serviced for guys.


This is the only area that’s OK to keep ‘hairy’. BUT you still need to do some upkeep. If your armpit hair peaks out and is visible when your arms are down by your side, then it’s time to trim. Just grab a pair of scissors and trim the hair that is visible. That’s it!


The areas that should NOT have hair are your biceps and shoulders. Grab your amazing haircutting clippers and trim away. Now this is the tricky part: you SHOULD have hair from your elbows down. What you want to do next is use a guard that comes with the clippers you purchased to blend in the no hair on your biceps and shoulders to the hair on your forearms.


The is where the 'natural look' applies. You want to keep hair on your legs. If you feel you’re extra hairy, use your handy dandy haircutting clippers with a guard for a small trim.


The 'natural look' applies here as well. You definitely want to trim that bush, but still keep some hair down there. And please no 'love trail' or any other fancy design. And don’t forget to trim those hairs that trial off from your bush to your legs and pelvic area.


Now we’re getting to the danger zone. What you’re going to want to do is shave your sack in the shower. Apply shaving creaming and, with surgeon-like precision, take small strokes to remove hair in small sections. DO NOT take long strokes as if you were shaving your face. Trust me, you’ll regret it! Apply post shave balm after you’re out the shower to help relieve any razor burn. That’s the last place you want it to burn.


Use the same technique as you did when shaving your sack. Hold your junk upright and shave upwards in small strokes. This area is extremely sensitive (you probably know that already) so don’t spend too much time in one area because it’s easy to get razor burn there. So make sure you have a steady hand and do your best to grab the hairs on the first stroke.


Now this area you DO NOT want to shave because there is a lot of friction going on down there. You’re OK if you want to keep the hair down there but I still recommend you give it a short trim every now and then with your clippers.

Grooming Tip: If grooming your junk area sounds to complicated and you don’t trust yourself, schedule an appointment to get it waxed (yes, you can get it waxed).


Butt hair is always a no-no. Grab your clippers and start trimming as short as possible. A good machine to use for this is the peanut. It’s smaller than your clippers and cuts shorter too. So don’t be shy, guys. Get every hair between every nook and cranny (and that means between the cheeks). Also cut those hairs that start connecting to the back of your legs from your butt like vines.

Again, if you don’t trust yourself with this you can always schedule an appointment to get this done by a professional.

You guys should now be summer ready and won’t have to be put in any hairy situations. Hairy situation… Get it???

I hope you guys found this information helpful.

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Until Next Time, Gents!

Steve A. Nuñez

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