5 Men's Grooming Myths Busted
Most of my topics for by blog and YouTube videos come from guys asking questions while I'm cutting their hair at the barbershop. I hear a...

Hairstyling Hacks for Men
There is nothing better than feeling like a million dollars after leaving the barbershop. You look good and feel good! But... what...

3 New Spring Hairstyles to Try
Spring has sprung and we begin our wardrobe transition for the warmer season. This is also the perfect time to try a new fresh haircut!...

A Rising New Menswear Scene in L.A.
It was just a few years ago when ‘bloggers’ were perceived as being mostly women. To be more specific ‘women in fashion’. Or you may have...

Men's Fashion Trends that Need to Die in 2017
Happy New Year! The new year is the perfect time to refresh and clean out your wardrobe by ditching all of last year's overdone trends! ...

Help Bring A One-Of-A-Kind Man Grooming Haven to Pomona!
We’ve got the place and now it’s the time to build this one-of-a-kind man grooming haven in Downtown Pomona! I thought to myself, "If the...